Brady is now pretty much walking wherever he wants to go. He's a little wobbly, but is getting better at catching his balance. I really love this stage. He's so much fun. He talks all the time and is starting to repeat what we say. He says hi, mommy, daddy, doggy, fish. Brad is positive that he is now saying hockey. I'm not so sure. I think he's just wishful thinking that the Blackhawks will win!
The sleeping issue is also getting better. This could coincide with the fact that he has recently started daycare. Grandma isn't able to watch him anymore. We scrambled to find a place that we both felt comfortable with. The last place that we visited was the one. It's been a struggle. This is an extremely hard age to start somewhere new, because they understand what's going on. He apparently cries every time someone comes in or out of the door, but it will get better. He will make friends and will probably eventually be happy when I leave!
I stopped nursing and we stopped the bottle right around his first birthday also. We were down to nursing only one time a day and I decided it was time. Brady really had no problem with it. I was definitely more sad about it than he was. He was doing well with the sippy so we figured we would just try to go a day with no bottle and he did great. We feel lucky about that. I was afraid bottle-weaning was going to be a long process. We're all doing great. I've kind of had having another one in the back of my mind, but I think that's still a ways away. We're enjoying Brady and I'm enjoying being not pregnant after having been for almost two years straight.
I also can't believe it's been two years since we've lost Claire. We had a special butterfly cake made for her since I was in labor with Brady last year on her first birthday. We felt awful that we weren't at least able to go to the cemetery on her first birthday, but she and her little brother had other plans. Love you Claire bear.
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