Monday, April 8, 2013

5 Months

I'm late, but he's technically still 5 months for another week. Two big things happened this month! Brady started eating solid foods and he's sitting on his own! He still resembles a feeble wobble at times, but he's doing great. For food, he's just had carrots and bananas so far. We're pretty sure he liked the carrots better,but we'll keep trying the bananas and other new things. He gets so excited when we put him in the high chair. It's crazy how much he looks like a big boy! He's very smart and wants to see and feel everything. We are putting up the Christmas tree this weekend and can't wait for him to see it. I also think we're going to see Santa tomorrow! Brady will most likely just try to put Santa's beard in his mouth, but it will still be fun to watch. We love him so much, even when he's screaming at the top of his lungs because he's not quite ready for bed! I had a moment today when I thought I might want to get pregnant again soon and then I realized how freaking crazy that is and how much I could not handle being pregnant right now. Here's a picture of B discovering The Christmas lights. This was short lived because he really just wanted to put them in his mouth.

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