Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Newborn Must-Haves

When I was pregnant with B, I was constantly Googling what we will need for a newborn, so I thought I would share what our must-haves are so far.

Our absolute favorite gift was the Fisher Price Rock and Play Sleeper. This is something we did not register for, but luckily I have 2 good friends who bought it for us anyway! I don't know what we would do without this. Brady loves it because of the incline. We're not sure what else we would be doing with him while he sleeps, while we eat, etc.
Fisher-Price Newborn Rock 'n Play Sleeper

I also think the Boppy pillow or some sort of nursing pillow is a must. I didn't take the Boppy to the hospital with us and wish I would have. It's such a pain stacking regular pillows all around you so baby is in the right position to nurse.  The u-shape of the pillow is perfect.

Cloth diapers for burp cloths. We bought a 12-pack of Gerber pre-fold cloth diapers from Target and they have worked out great.

If you plan to breastfeed, I also recommend lots of nursing tanks or at least shelf-bra camis. I have lived in these since B was born. They just make everything so much easier. I'm also terrified of getting mastitis, so I'm still too scared to wear a bra. B and I will be making a shopping trip some time this week to get mommy some nursing bras with no wires.

The last thing is a diaper caddy. This is great for us because Brady's room (where his changing pad is) is upstairs and we spend most of our time downstairs. The caddy holds diapers, desitin, wipes, really anything you need. It also came with a portable changing pad that is super easy to clean up.

I'm sure I've forgotten a few things, but I hope this is helpful to someone.

1 comment:

  1. My target had it's nursing tanks in summer colors on sale. Only about 30% off, but I got one of each color (3).
