Tuesday, April 24, 2012

A Couple Things...

Just a couple things that have been on my mind lately. First thing, I promise not to AW (attention whore) my baby or any future children on Facebook. I know you love your kids and yes, they are cute, but to someone who has lost a baby no matter how far along, or who is struggling with infertility those pictures are just another reminder that your baby is not here. I know how much it hurts me to see pictures of people's kids who are about the same age that Claire would be and I would never want to inflict that pain on anyone else. Don't get me wrong, some pictures are great and I know it's an easy way to share pictures with family and friends that you don't see very often, but some people are just plain excessive.

Second, it's really starting to sink in that we are going to have a baby in our house some time in the next couple months. Holy crap. It's so hard for me to imagine going through a pregnancy, labor and delivery and getting to bring a baby home after what we went through last time. I'm anxious, terrified, excited all at the same time! 

That's it. Just needed to get that off my chest.

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