Tuesday, April 24, 2012

A Couple Things...

Just a couple things that have been on my mind lately. First thing, I promise not to AW (attention whore) my baby or any future children on Facebook. I know you love your kids and yes, they are cute, but to someone who has lost a baby no matter how far along, or who is struggling with infertility those pictures are just another reminder that your baby is not here. I know how much it hurts me to see pictures of people's kids who are about the same age that Claire would be and I would never want to inflict that pain on anyone else. Don't get me wrong, some pictures are great and I know it's an easy way to share pictures with family and friends that you don't see very often, but some people are just plain excessive.

Second, it's really starting to sink in that we are going to have a baby in our house some time in the next couple months. Holy crap. It's so hard for me to imagine going through a pregnancy, labor and delivery and getting to bring a baby home after what we went through last time. I'm anxious, terrified, excited all at the same time! 

That's it. Just needed to get that off my chest.

Saturday, April 21, 2012


I have quite a few updates since I've last posted. We're still trucking along. We had our first shower today. It was great! People are so generous. It's really starting to seem real that this little guy is coming home with us some time in the next 5-9 weeks!

The gestational diabetes still sucks, but I've been pretty successful at managing my levels. I have to check my blood sugar first thing in the morning and then an hour after I eat breakfast, lunch and dinner. Yep, 4 times a day. I have to eat 3 meals a day and 3 snacks a day. The dietician gave me a limit of 60 carbs for each meal, except breakfast which is a little less. Unfortunately, any time I've had 60 carbs in a meal my number has been high, so I try to stick to around 45 carbs. For snacks I can have up to 30 carbs. I have found some great low carb snacks and actually hope to continue snacking this way after Brady comes. My favorites are the fruit and granola yogurts and I'm loving fruit like strawberries and apples, which I can eat as much of as I want. I even found a recipe for low carb peanut butter cookies and they are good!

We had our final Iowa City appointment a couple weeks ago. We are officially released to deliver locally. We had an ultrasound and Brady was measuring quite large. Not surprising, because of the GD. His weight was estimated at 3lbs 10oz, which is average for a 31 or 32 week baby. I was 29 weeks at the ultrasound. Overall, he was measuring about a week and a half ahead. They flat out said they don't think we'll be having a little baby this time around.

There was a little concern about my cervix during the ultrasound. The first thing the tech asked me was if I had been having contractions. Yeah, that freaked me out a little. My cervix was measuring 2.2 and anything 2.0 or below is apparently cause for concern and possible bed rest. No bed rest or restrictions for me (thankfully), but they let me know that there's a good chance I could go early. 37 weeks is ideal, but 35 weeks is my first goal. For whatever reason I'm feeling we're going to have a May baby.

Brady, we are getting so excited to meet you! Claire Bear we can't believe it's been over 10 months. We still think about you and miss you every day.Please  keep watching over us and your little brother.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Nothing is ever easy

I failed the 3-hour glucose tolerance test, pretty badly actually. I have started the low carb, low sugar diet, and honestly it kind of sucks. The limitations on what I can and can't eat are crazy. I feel bad for Brad because he does not need to lose any weight, but I also refuse to make two separate meals every night.

I think I'm making it worse on myself because I'm frustrated about it, but I will do whatever I need to do in order to get Brady home and healthy. At this point I'm ready for him to be here. I know it's too early and really I don't want him to be here until he's full term, but I'm so over being pregnant. I will have been pregnant for 18 of the last 21 months!

I will post about my journey with gestational diabetes and maybe even post some of the meal/snack ideas that I ended up liking (if there are any!).